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Role Based Security

Security Features of RunPTO

RunPTO ensures the security of your data with 256-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption. Your information is stored in secure data centers that employ advanced electronic surveillance and multi-factor access control systems. This ensures that your data is safe and protected from unauthorized access.

Encryption for Data Security

RunPTO uses strong encryption to protect your data. Passwords and data requests from browsers to servers are encrypted, ensuring that all information remains secure. This helps to prevent unauthorized access and keep your data safe.

Restricted Access to Ensure Data Security

RunPTO’s security measures include restricted access to ensure the safety of your data. Only the Administrator can set up user IDs and passwords, which are required for all users to log in. If needed, multiple Administrators can be appointed.

Access permissions are assigned to user IDs via roles, which determine which modules users have access to. For example, parents can be given access to only the student directory, while committee members can be given access to specific modules, such as the membership or finance module.

You can also choose to create a single user ID for all parents to keep things simple, or create individual user IDs for each parent. This allows you to control who has access to what information, ensuring that your data remains secure.

Security Roles for Controlled Access

RunPTO uses security roles to control access to different modules. If a user is set up as an Administrator in the Create Users module, they will have access to all modules.

Roles created in this module allow you to decide what kind of access each user has to different modules. This ensures that only authorized users can access sensitive information, helping to keep your data secure..

Parent Role

For example, a user with a Parent role may be given mostly view-only privileges. This means that they can view certain information, such as the student directory, but cannot make changes or access other sensitive data. This helps to protect the security of your data while still providing parents with the information they need.

Student Directory Manager Role

A user with a Student Directory Manager role will have the ability to add and manage student directory data. However, they may be restricted to view-only privileges in other modules, depending on the permissions assigned to their user ID. This allows them to focus on managing the student directory without having access to sensitive data in other modules.

Treasurer Role

The Treasurer is responsible for managing the organization’s finances, including creating a chart of accounts, budgeting, and entering transactions. They also generate various financial reports, such as
income statements, for the board and membership. This role requires a high level of attention to detail and financial expertise.

Membership Manager Role

The membership manager is responsible for collecting online membership fees, maintaining the membership directory, and generating reports forthe board.

Volunteer Manager Role

The volunteer manager is responsible for recruiting volunteers for the
organization’s committees, maintaining a log of volunteers, and
providing reports to the board.

Document Manager Role

The document manager is responsible for uploading newsletters, meeting minutes, and other forms, such as expense forms, to the organization’s system.

President Role

Read More: How to Setup Web Portals for PTO/PTA Committee Chairs

All In One kmspico Platform for Parent Teacher Organizations, KMSPico, Parent Teacher Associations, and Booster Clubs.