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5 Resolutions for your PTO in 2025

  • 4 min read
PTA Resolution

The New Year brings a fresh start and new challenges for the school year and PTAs and PTO’s are probably hard at work to make 2025 their best year yet! Just as you would make personal New Year resolutions, you should also make resolutions for your child’s school’s PTA/PTO so that you have a rewarding year filled with success. If you’re not sure what type of New Year’s resolutions you should make for the board, here are a few ideas that will result in a fruitful and successful year for students, parents, teachers and everyone else involved with the PTA/PTO board:

Here are the 5 Resolutions

1. Have Great Fundraisers

Your PTA/PTO board needs funds to survive and thrive, but trying to get parents and others to pay can be frustrating, especially in cash-strapped schools in low-income communities. Instead of trying to haggle for funds, raise the needed money by having great and profitable fundraisers. Start the year by planning to have success in each of your fundraisers and then use those dollars to serve the school, kids, teachers and community. Really think out what fundraisers will bring in the most money and ditch any failures from the past. Focus on only those that can be a success and put your all into them.

2. Be Thankful

This year, make it a point to be more thankful to those who support your PTA/PTO members and missions. To do so, try to create one quick email every week (or every other if you’re swamped for time) to thank someone that has made a difference for your board and its goals. Showing thanks will go a long way with your community and will actually inspire others to get involved more, thus creating a positive domino effect for your board and its fundraisers, goals, etc. And if you don’t have time to do it every so often, try to strive for a monthly newsletter thanking all those who helped for the month.

3. Get Organized

Just as life is chaotic and unexpected so can being a member of your PTA/PTO. Unexpected meetings, last minute fundraisers, etc. can really frazzle any member, so to ring in the New Year, make it a resolution to get and stay organized. Create a plan and try to stick to it as much as you can. Review the 2021 calendar and make sure that any key events are listed on the website and the school’s calendar, have a welcome-back meeting for board members and parents to get new ideas for events, and meet wit committee chairs to talk about any upcoming events or concerns for the new year. To help get you organized, sign up for RunPTO which is management software made specifically for the needs of PTAs and PTOs.

4. Harness The Power Of Social Media

Everyone is online these days and that means you can easily communicate with your community, school, parents and board members via social media. But not many PTAs or PTOs really harness the power of social media so make it a point to get out there and create various social media handles for your organization. And don’t forget to be active and post relevant information your audience will appreciate.

5. Focus On More Volunteers

A successful and productive PTA/PTO depends on its board members and volunteers so make sure to focus on gaining more volunteers this year. Think of new, innovative ways to want to get more people involved with your organization. This way, you know that your PTA/PTO will make a positive impact this school year!

Check out RunPTO By CloudInfoSystems

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