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PTA Accounting Software: 12 Reasons Why RunPTO Is THE Choice For A PTO or PTA Treasurer in 2025

  • 6 min read
PTA Accounting

RunPTO Finance Manager from is a complete PTO PTA Accounting Software. It is specifically designed for a PTA Treasurer or a PTO Treasurer. The software helps them to rise above their financial management challenges. It also helps them by providing them with easy to use accounting features for their Parent Teacher Organizations.

PTA/PTO Accounting from RunPTO improves the accuracy of your organization’s financial records. It also has very easy setup, intuitive data entry and fabulous reports with beautiful charts.

1. Finance Manager Menu

A intuitive Finance Manager Menu covering all the features. Access can be restricted to these features with security roles .

RunPTO Financial Accounting Menu

2. Finance Dashboard

The PTO/PTA Finance Dashboard provides PTO/PTA Treasurers with an instant visual representation of their financials. It allows for effective cash management, and enables to track expenses in detail to meet and outperform financial objectives of your Parent Teacher Organization. Also the dashboard with graphs ensures shared financial comprehension and engagement among board members.

RunPTO Financial Dashboard
Financial Dashboard

3. Chart of Accounts Made Easy

The chart of accounts is exactly that: a map of your Parent Teacher Organization and its various financial parts.

RunPTO allows a well-designed chart of accounts and make it easy to figure out which transactions get recorded in which account.

You can get started within minutes by easy entry of your Bank, Income and Expenses Accounts.

RunPTO Chart of Accounts
Chart of Accounts

4. Budgeting

With PTO/PTA Budgeting all financial decisions is easier than ever. Just select the account and enter the amounts for the school year. You can present a well designed budget to your Board with summaries and charts within minutes.

RunPTO Budgeting

5. Income Transactions

Quick entry of the funds received. Select from a group of PTO/PTA Chairpersons who you receive the funds from. You can summarize and chart your deposits.

RunPTO Deposit Transactions

6. Expenses Transactions

Quick entry of the expenses. Select from a group of PTO/PTA Chairpersons who you receive the expense form from. You can summarize and chart your expenses.

RunPTO Withdrawals Transactions

7. Transfers

Easily record transfers between your checking, saving and other investment accounts.

RunPTO Transfer Transactions

8. Bank Reconciliation

With RunPTO you can easily reconcile instantly the cash balance on your books to the corresponding amount on your PTO’s bank statement every month. Any difference will be quick shown and can be easily corrected.

RunPTO Bank Reconcilation
Bank Reconcilation

9. Bank Register

Use your bank register to track the deposits and withdrawals and balances as of any date.

Bank Register

10. Income Statement

View your income statements easily at any point in time. Have it shown with with or without Budget columns. See it graphically with visual charts and summaries.

Role Based Security allows to distribute online only the Income Statement to your PTA Members or PTO Members.

The Income Statement just like any other Financial Report can be easily exported to a PDF, Excel or Word documents.

The Columns feature allows you to pick and choose the display the columns you want to see on the Income Statement so you can have the perfect Treasurer’s Report.

Income Statement
PTO Accounting Software -  PTO Income Statement Summary
Income Statement With Month Columns
PTO Accounting Software - PTO Expenses Chart
Expense Groups in a Pie Chart
PTO Accounting Software - PTO Income Chart
Income Groups in a Pie Chart

11. 990EZ Form

RunPTO automates the population of amounts on the various lines of your 990EZ Tax Form.

PTO Accounting Software - 990 EX Form
Tax Form

12. Transaction Reports By Account Groups/Committees/Contacts/990EZ

Flexible Reporting allows you to print your reports in any ways possible for PTA or PTO. No other Accounting Software is capable of doing that.

PTO Accounting Software - PTO Account Groupwise Transaction Report
Account Group/Account wise Transaction Report
PTO Accounting Software - PTO 990EZwise Transaction Report
990 EZ Line Items wise Transaction Report
PTO Accounting Software - PTO Account Committee wise Transaction Report
Transaction Report by Committees
PTO Accounting Software - PTO Account Contact wise Transaction Report
Transaction Report by Contact Name

Bonus Reasons: RunPTO includes many other features besides the PTO Accounting Software at a low fixed cost.

Besides the PTO Accounting Software, each of the below features are a powerhouse and fully integrated. You will not need another vendor. In its class, RunPTO has the best pricing for all of its capabilities. And the cost is just $299 per year for all features.

Student Directory
Volunteer/Event Signups
Membership Signup
Documents Management
Email Blast
Website Builder
QR Codes
Role Based Security

All Apps are Mobile and Tablet Friendly

Mobile Friendly RunPTO App
RunPTO is Mobile Friendly

Enhanced Security Features with Data Encryption

All of this is included with secure communications and a enhanced security module with security roles and a comprehensive Knowledge Base

We are always working on providing New Features

If you feel there is a feature which will be useful for a PTA or PTO, let us know and we will develop it. We will never increase our price. Our software just caters to the needs of a PTA or PTO unlike our competitors.

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